Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Levitation and Light Pictures

For these pictures, I worked with Diana Bernal and Sophia DeVries. For the levitation pictures, we all tried doing ordinary things such as reading or drinking water, but with the exception of jumping. Sometime we had to take multiple shots in order to capture the shot and various times, we had to jump higher in order for the camera to capture the image. For the light images, we went into a room and turned off the lights and began drawing words or things on a mirror with the flashlights in our phone.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Slow Motion

For this assignment, I tried capturing a lot of pictures with a sort of blur to capture the slow motion. I tried capturing objects or people in motion, and using a slow shutter to capture the effect.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Silhouettes and Minimalism

For this assignment, i tried photographing silhouettes and minimalism. I tried capturing the sun and sky in the silhouette pictures. For the minimalism pictures, I tried focusing on one small object.