Thursday, February 27, 2014

Street Photography

My style of photography for the project is street photography. For this assignment, I tried to capture the very different aspects of San Francisco. All of the pictures that I took, were either taken in the Mission District, the Fillmore or around the neighborhood. I tried to capture urbanity of San Francisco, ordinary life, houses, murals and store fronts. I tried to photograph different aspects of San Francisco, in order to compare the different aspects between each neighborhood.


  1. Very interesting photos, you really managed to encapsulate the art on the streets of SF in jest a few photos.

  2. I really like all your pictures and you did a nice job capturing the different aspects of San Francisco. I especially like the first and seventh photos because of the different colors and lighting you captured.

  3. All these photos look awesome. My favorite picture is the first one because of how bright the colors are and how it captures the feel of San Francisco.

  4. Great job Ramona! I really like your fourth picture because the couch on the street showcases a unique aspect of San Francisco. The colors are really vibrant in each picture and I like how you mostly focused on one subject, instead of the whole scene. Maybe next time, you can try shooting at different angles to give your pictures a different feel.

  5. All of your pictures are really great. I like the bright colors that are used on some of the picture. I encourage that you keep using colors that will make the photo pop. My favorite out of this set is the last photo. Good job!
