Thursday, September 26, 2013

Rule of Thirds

For this assignment, I tried to capture using the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds, is when the image is divided into three equal parts. The rule of thirds is used to create balance.

Monday, September 23, 2013

depth staging

For this assignment, I tried taking pictures of depth. I did this by closing up on an object and the background would be distant; you can see the space between the two objects.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013


For this assignment, we had to take pictures of leading lines with repetition. I tried taking pictures of continuous patterns that lead farther and farther, so that they could create a line. In order to create the illusion with repetition, the pattern must be in a straight line and go straight; it seems as if it was going on forever.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Leading Lines To Create Depth

For this assignment, I tried to take pictures that showed depth with a leading line. I tried to take pictures very close up, so that the background can look as if it was in depth. I tried capturing pictures, that had very obvious leading lines.


Monday, September 9, 2013

3 by 3

I took this picture of a close up lock on a locker.When taking the picture, I also thought it was interesting to take it a tilted angle.

This picture is taken from a close distance. There was no angle involved.

This next picture is of a white flower. I took the picture from a very close distance, because I wanted to get as much detail as possible. I was experimenting with the detail of the flower.

I took this picture by raising the camera, since the scenery was above me.

I took this picture by putting the camera at an angle and very close up.

This picture was taken from a far and there was no angle involved.

For this picture I had to put the camera above my head and try to get a good angle. I tried putting the camera at angle that was kind of tilted, to obtain this specific scene.

This picture was taken up very close. I tried tilting the camera and rising it up a little, to get this specific angle.

This picture was taken at mid distance. There was no angle involved.