Monday, September 9, 2013

3 by 3

I took this picture of a close up lock on a locker.When taking the picture, I also thought it was interesting to take it a tilted angle.

This picture is taken from a close distance. There was no angle involved.

This next picture is of a white flower. I took the picture from a very close distance, because I wanted to get as much detail as possible. I was experimenting with the detail of the flower.

I took this picture by raising the camera, since the scenery was above me.

I took this picture by putting the camera at an angle and very close up.

This picture was taken from a far and there was no angle involved.

For this picture I had to put the camera above my head and try to get a good angle. I tried putting the camera at angle that was kind of tilted, to obtain this specific scene.

This picture was taken up very close. I tried tilting the camera and rising it up a little, to get this specific angle.

This picture was taken at mid distance. There was no angle involved.

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