Monday, September 23, 2013

depth staging

For this assignment, I tried taking pictures of depth. I did this by closing up on an object and the background would be distant; you can see the space between the two objects.



  1. Your photos do a good job of showing depth staging. They all have a clear foreground and background object. I like how you also incorporated rule of thirds and leading lines. It made the depth staging more prominent. Maybe next time you could try some different subjects of focus. Good Work!

  2. I love your photos. All of them feel almost like your hiding behind something and it connects them all. My personal favorite is the fire alarm one. Maybe next time try not always putting the close object in the thirds and more in the middle. You did a great job

  3. All your photos are great. My favorite is the third one, I think it is a really interesting perspective. It is also a great example of depth staging. The only thing I think you should change about your photos would be to bring more focus on your subject in order to create more depth. Other than that I think your photos are amazing.

  4. Great job on choosing a variety of subjects to photograph. I think your strongest photo is the last photo as it is off-centered, portrays a great amount of depth, and also incorporates the Rule of Thirds. You should edit your fourth picture a little to show more shadows and contrast and liven up the photo.

  5. I really love all your photos. I think the third and last photos are your strongest examples because both photos display a great amount of depth. Next time you could try to take pictures of some different types of subjects.
