Thursday, October 3, 2013

Narrative Pictures

For this assignment I tried taking pictures of stories that seemed realistic. I tried taking the figures up close and the background distant. I noticed that taking the picture from a low angle was the most successful.I experimented with both color and black and white.


  1. This was a really good batch of photos! One photo that caught my eye was the giraffe picture. I enjoyed the caption and how one line and a picture told a whole story.

  2. These are great photos! My favorite one was is the third one because you are telling a good story and it has nice depth. Great job!

  3. I love how you mixed it up by having half of the pictures in black and white and the other half in color. My favorite is the third one because the photo looks really realistic and the background colors are beautiful. You should add some characters to the fifth photo to craft a story. Also consider trying new types of stories.

  4. All your photos are beautiful. You did a really good job changing up every scene. My favorite photo from the set is the giraffe one. Great Job!
