Friday, January 31, 2014


For this assignment we tried taking pictures that we already had and tried to create an advertisement, movie poster, book cover or a magazine cover. I designed four book covers and two movie posters.


  1. I really like all of these photos. I like all the tag-lines on each photo, especially in the third photo.

  2. your photos are very beautiful. I really like all the titles and images that portray stories. next time I would try a different tone for some of the photos.

  3. I really like all your photos and I think they are all creative and unique. My favorite one is the third one. I also like all of the tag-lines you wrote.

  4. These are all really great book covers! they are all super interesting! great work! :)

  5. Great job Ramona! I really like the third picture because the text is spaced out well and the title really encapsulates the image. For your last picture, I suggest using larger or bolder text and maybe even a different color, because the text on the window is hard to find and read.

  6. I think all your designs are really good. All of the text really works with the images. My favorite ones are the 'Secret Words' and 'The Hidden' covers. Good job!
