Thursday, January 16, 2014

Motion 1

For this assignment, I tried to take blurry pictures, by moving the camera while shooting the picture. I tried to take pictures of people, lights and objects with color.


  1. Great job Ramona on taking motion pictures of a variety of subjects! My favorite picture is the first one, because the design looks like rain drops and it makes me curious to know what the original object is. I love the bright colors with the black background. For your second picture, I suggest you try taking pictures of smaller lights so you can create a flow of patterns filling the frame, instead of the current shape.

  2. Very nice photos. My favorite shots are the first and the 4th. The 1st has a very unique and abstract look to it, and the 4th has an interesting "ghostly" appearance.

  3. I really like all your pictures. My favorite one is the third because of it's unique vibrant colors. Maybe next time try capturing more lights. Great job!

  4. My favorite photo is the first one because it captures motion and color in one picture. My least favorite was the second one because it just looked blurry instead of being in motion

  5. All your photos are really nice. My favorite photo is the first one, the colors are really nice. The least successful one from this is probably the fifth one. Good job!

  6. Everyone of these photos look nice, I especially like your first photo because of the wide color array.
