Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Collage/Grid Series

For this assignment, we had to make collages/grids of our year's work. I made collages of my vertical pictures, horizontal pictures and my spring series pictures.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Spring Series 2

For this assignment, I continued with the conversational portraits. This time, I focused on one specific subject and on different types of conversations.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Spring/Combo Series 2

For this assignment, I decided to try out a new style of photography than the one I was doing before. Before, I was doing a series of repetition, but I decided to try out conversational portraits. For this series, I tried to capture as much color and brightness in the picture as possible. While I was having an ordinary conversation with a friend, I took pictures to capture all of their facial expressions, hence the name conversational portraits. I also decided to add a Polaroid frame to the picture, in order to create a more finished look.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Repetition Project

For this assignment, I chose to experiment with repetition. I tried to create an in-depth staging effect with the repetition. All of my pictures are in black and white and with high exposure.