Friday, May 9, 2014

Repetition Project

For this assignment, I chose to experiment with repetition. I tried to create an in-depth staging effect with the repetition. All of my pictures are in black and white and with high exposure.


  1. i like what you did with repetition. i think the black and white was a good idea, especially in the second picture where the end of the pattern drops off in to darkness. good work.

  2. I really like all of your photos and how you captured repetition throughout a variety of subjects. Having the pictures in black and white also adds to the clean, professional look that is conveyed. Great work.

  3. I love your new series. You picked great subjects and atmospheres. You also did a great job editing, not too high contrast but still strong blacks and whites. The shadows are also a great edition. I love the fourth one the most. great job

  4. I really like this series! All of these photos are so interesting!

  5. neat ideas with this batch. i like the repetition and texture that all the pictures share. I really like the second to last photo where you captured the repetition of the the series theme with the shadows.

  6. Nice work! all the patterns in the photos look really interesting and the leading lines are cool as well!
