Thursday, September 4, 2014

Composition 1

For this assignment, we played around with all sorts of composition.

For the picture above, I tried focusing on the Rule of Thirds, trying to capture an interesting perspective to the picture. The motorcycle is in on the left side of the grid.

 For the picture of the door and the plants, I tried also, rule of thirds and trying to organize the picture.
 For the picture above, I tried capturing a diagonal perspective, and also a rule of thirds perspective.
 For the picture of the door and the lamp, I also did rule of thirds composition.
 For the picture of the number one, I tried organizing the picture so that the number one could capture the attention. It is also in rule of thirds.
 For the picture of the plants, I tried to capture the plants by taking a picture of them in a diagonal line.
 For this picture, I tried diagonal composition.
 For the picture of the boxes, I tried the triangular composition. The boxes form a sort of triangle.
 For the dark picture, I tried rule of thirds.
 I also tried rule of thirds for the picture above.
 For the picture above, I tried organizing it in a rule of thirds composition, and i wanted the main focus to be the house and the staircase.
 For the picture above, I wanted all of the attention to go to the motorcycle, and I tried taking it in a rule of thirds composition.
 For the picture about the cone, I tried capturing it in a diagonal fashion.
 I tried capturing the rule of thirds for the picture above.
 I also tried rule of thirds for the picture above.

1 comment:

  1. I like the rule of thirds on the motorcycle picture. And the box picture has also an amazing triangle composition.
