Thursday, September 11, 2014

Depth 1

 For the picture above and the four below, I tried representing depth by photographing scenes where the objects appear to be distance, and appear to be smaller than the main/bigger object.

 For the picture above, I tried capturing depth, by photographing the from the bottom of the pole and trying to capture the length and the top of the pole. In this picture, the pole appears to be getting smaller as the pole gets higher, trying to create an illusion of depth.
 For the picture above, I tried capturing depth and repetition. The horizontal gray lines are repeating, but fading away as the picture stretches. I tried creating the illusion of depth, by making it seem as the picture was getting tinier the farther it went.
 For the picture above, I tried incorporating repetition and depth. The chain has a repeating pattern of links and I tried representing depth by trying to create the same illusion as the one when I photographed the pole. The chain seems to be getting smaller as it stretches farther.
 For the picture above, I tried capturing depth by creating the illusion that it was getting smaller and smaller.
 I tried capturing depth in the picture above, by creating the illusion that the see-saw was getting thinner and thinner as it stretched.
 I tried capturing depth in the picture above, by photographing the tree as if it were getting thinner and thinner.
 For the image above, I tried creating a depth perspective by photographing the beginning of the stem as very obvious and then, as the picture goes on, it kind of disappears in a sense, on to the other leaves.
 For the image above, I tried incorporating repetition and depth. The swings are repeating and they sort of fade away, capturing a perspective of depth.
 For the picture above, I tried capturing both repetition and depth. The holes are repeating, creating a leading line and it leads to the door that seems to be far away.
For the picture above, the stairs are repeating, creating a sense of repetition and the house door seems to be far away, creating a feeling of depth.


  1. Your photo of the beach and its continuous depth into the sea looks really awesome. I also enjoy the landscape underneath the beach in the photo. The two distinct sceneries in this photo really makes it stand out to me.

  2. The photo with the chain is a really good example of repetition. Also I like the repetition for the swing ones

  3. I really like your pictures for Depth Perception! The angles you used were really cool! :)
