Tuesday, September 30, 2014

D. Lange

For the pictures below, I tried to imitate Dorothea Lange's style of photography. I made my pictures in black and white and edited the exposure. I tried to find a similar composition. The first four pictures are photographs that were taken by Dorothea Lange, and the rest of the pictures are mine. I tried to inspire the photographs out of these first four pictures. I photographed cities, cars, roads, people.

 For the picture above, I tried photographing a road.
 For the picture above, I also tried photographing a road.
 For the picture above, I tried photographing a sign near a car. Lange photographed multiple signs and wagons, but wagons do not exist here in the city.
 For the image above, I tried photographing an empty sidewalk with a  few subjects.
 For the image above, I tried comparing my subject to the tree, similar to what Dorothea Lange did with the woman and the windmill.
For the image above, I tried photographing signs with big letters near a car.


  1. Great photos. I really like the photos you chose to pair with your own. they both compliment each other really nicely.

  2. Sick photos Ramona. What I like most is how close you were able to relate your pictures with Lange's great job Mona.
